Success Stories
“We have the path now and Peak is helping us walk it”
“Other programs you are second guessing what is the right way to go, but with Peak, they were there to guide us and keep us on track. Peak was so supportive, its like a guiding light and it helped us to reverse our health issues.
- Gwen and Richard Lee
“Life Changing Weight Loss”
“When I was growing up, I just knew I was going to be fat, it was a fact of life, everyone in my family was. Then I came to Peak and they changed everything!”
- Don Losole, 48 yo
“I Just Can’t Believe It!”
I had Neuropathy in my hands and arms for 20 years after spinal neurosurgery, I thought it was a permanent consequence of the surgery. My fasting blood sugar was consistently below 100 and I didn’t know what it would take to get me to reverse it. IFPH stepped in and now not only is my blood sugar is in the optimal range but my Neuropathy is gone too!. My pants are falling off! It feels really good, like it’s too good to be true! I thought this was going to be hard to do, but it’s amazingly simple. This is life changing and it’s essential for your health and well being!
- Phyllis Bass, 65 yo
“This Program Is The Best Thing I’ve Ever Done…” ~ and to think, I'm just getting started!"
I think this is the best thing I’ve ever done in my life. It’s time to do something for me. I’m really, really excited. For so long I’ve told myself it’s because I’m too fat, and that if I lose weight I’ll get my energy back. It’s really the whole picture – I can’t pin it to one thing. Now I realize – just “get healthy”, and everything else will fall into place.
I’ve always thought I’ve known what is healthy, but my eyes are really being opened; NO I didn’t! I’ve learned so much already.”
- Russ DeVan, 63 yo
“It Changed My Life”
“Even though I have a medical condition, I’m in better shape today than I have ever been. It’s all thanks to the Institute for Peak Health”
- Sharon Barnes, 52 yo
“My lifetime of bloating and digestive issues are gone!"
I’ve had (these issues) since childhood. The biggest thing for me is being able to put my clothes on and not feel like I’m “tucked in” and “up”. I can’t believe my digestion is NORMAL for the first time, ever, in my life.
Within 3 days, I sleep soundly & deeper, actually getting good, restful sleep – not “just sleep”. At work and in daily activities, I have a level of clarity and focus, and no matter what the stressful situation is, I can think through it calmly now and not have the anxiety and stressed breathing I used to get. This is the best investment I’ve ever made, no matter what I’ve had to give up or change – and I travel a LOT. I’ve learned how to do so much that I don’t feel like I’m sacrificing anything. It’s transformational and education, which to me equals an investment of a lifetime.”
- Martha Amin, 52 yo
“I’m choosing LIFE.”
“I’m here because I’m choosing more life. I’ve eliminated swelling in my ankles and have lost 30 lbs. I feel better about my appearance, am eating healthier and the results are great. Everyone has been so nice, and I have complete confidence in IFPH and staff.”
- R.J., 72 yo
“We’re all enjoying our food now and loving it.”
No one has a desire for fast food. – I feel less overweight, less bloated. I can eat until I’m really full, and satisfied, and I didn’t’ used to feel that way. I’ve lost 17 lbs and am in new pants and a shirt. I feel better about myself and the way I look and I’m feeling really good.”